1. Total no of Questions : 100

  2. Type : MCQ

  3. Total Marks : 400

  4. Test Duration : 120 minutes

Syllabus Breakup

Section A (120 Marks)

General English (Vocabulary, Tense, Voice, Narration, Prepositions, Correction of Sentences & Comprehension)

Section B (120 Marks)

General Knowledge ( Indian History, Indian Polity, General Science, Current affairs)

Section C (120 Marks)

Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability

Section D (40 Marks)

Current Indian Education (Issues and Policies), National Policy of Education 2020, Universalization of Elementary Education - Right to Education, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) Secondary Education - Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)

Other Details

  1. All questions will be of MCQ type with four alternative choices of which only one answer will be the correct option.

  2. The test Booklet and the OMR will be in English. The test will be OMR based.

  3. For every right answer, 4 marks will be awarded and for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted. There will no marking for un-attempted questions.

  4. Merit list will be prepared only on the basis of marks obtained in GUBEDCET-2022. In case of a tie. i.e. when two or more candidates obtain equal marks, inter-se merit of such candidates shall be decided as follows:

    • Resolution by finding the ratio of positive marks and negative marks. Candidate having higher absolute value of the ratio will be given better rank.

    • Resolution by number of unanswered questions. Candidate with less number of unanswered questions will be given better rank.

    • If the resolution is not possible after this criterion, candidates with higher age will be given better rank.

  5. Reservation and relaxation policy will be as per existing GU rules.

  6. Eligibility criteria will be verified by the respective colleges/institutions before admission. A candidate can’t claim a seat without fulfilling the eligibility criteria of NCTE through her /his name appears in the merit list prepared by Gauhati University. College/Institution will be responsible for such anomalies detected later on.

  7. Application and Entrance Examination Fee : Rs.1500 (and Bank Transaction Charge, if any).

  8. Anything not covered by this guideline will be decided by the university authority at appropriate level.