Provisionally Registered Applicants (PhD / MPhil)
The following applicants have ONLY provisionally registered. The payment of entrance fee for these applicants is NOT yet confirmed. If your name appears in this list, please NOTE the following:
You will be able to download the Admit Card. Please NOTE the date when you will be able download it.
Your name in the Admit Card will have a NOTE that your payment is NOT confirmed.
On the day of the entrance test, you will be allowed to sit in the Entrance Test ONLY on production and submission of a proof of payment of the registration fee (in hard copy). The proof of payment should show that your have tried to pay the fee on or before the closing of the onine application process. This will be verified by the Centre In-Charge.
Your name will NOT figure in the merit / rank list, if we find any anomaly in the proof of payment that you have submitted.
If you have forgotten your User ID and Password, you can get by clicking the button on the right.